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4 Turkey Hill Road Richard B. Zang,
Newtown, CT 06470 Chairman
Tel (203) 270-4300 Marianne Brown
Fax (203) 426-9968 Louis Carbone
Richard Conte
Fred Hurley, Alan Shepard
Director TOWN OF NEWTOWN Eugene Vetrano

The Water and Sewer Authority held its regular meeting on November 18, 2010 at the Waste Water Treatment
Plant, 24 Commerce Road, Newtown, CT. Chairman Zang called the meeting to order at 7:00pm
Present: Marianne Brown, Lou Carbone, Richard Zang, Eugene Vetrano, Richard Conte, Carl Zencey, Alan
Shepard arrived at 8:30pm.
Absent: None
Also present: Jason O’Brien and Julio Segarra of United Water Environmental Services, Inc. Fred Hurley,
Director of Public Works, Jim Knapp for 4 Berkshire Road.
Public Participation – Mr. Knapp explained the current situation with 4 Berkshire Road, a home he purchased
with outstanding liens and back taxes that he has since paid off. The sewer usage fees and original assessment
still need to be addressed. 4 Berkshire Road had a $9,900 benefit assessment. Mr. Knapp stated that the WSA
has the ability to waive these fees and that there is a good septic system on the property. Mr. Knapp asked if he
will be charged usage fees if the property is not hooked up. Mr. Zang said that there is a precedent to require
owners to connect to sewers regardless of the condition of their system. Mr. Zang proposed that the questions be
addressed during New Business.
Approval of the minutes – The previously distributed minutes of the regular meeting of 10/14/10 were
unanimously approved.
Gallons processed vs. gallons billed study/flow monitoring – The two new flow meters are installed and collecting
data at Town Hall South and Hawley Road.
Sewer mapping – Alan Shepard presented the proposed map of the Central sewer service area. Once the map is
completed and approved by the WSA, a public hearing will be set. The Nunnawaulk Meadows allotment should
be part of the state’s allotment. The map is expected to be complete before the next WSA meeting.
Capital needs/SCADA system, new well, water distribution system
SCADA System - Marianne Brown, Gene Vetrano, Fred Hurley and Julio Segarra met earlier to discuss the
SCADA system. David Knight, the consultant for this project, believes this is a good system that can handle
expansion. The question is if the plant would double in size, would the expansion capability be enough. The RFP
as it is right now will include improvements, not just a carbon copy of the current system. Fred explained that if
there was a loss of a pump station by explosion or such, there would be no data left, the new system would have
retrievable data. The members have the draft RFP and were asked to critique it before the next meeting.
New Well – Donna Culbert, Health Director, advised Lou Carbone that the State application is complete except
for the GPS coordinates which will be done this week.
Water Distribution System – No discussion
USGS update/steam gauges – There are letters going back and forth between the Town and USGS. The Town
will fund the installation and maintenance of several stream gauges. The WSA will pay about $7,000. a year for
the maintenance of the existing gauge near the Water Treatment Plant.
Fairfield Hill sewer service area – A separate map of the sewer service area is being developed by Alan Shepard.
Contract with David Knight – He has been working hourly for the WSA to produce specifications for the SCADA
System. Approval of a contract was tabled.
Marianne Brown moved to add 4 Berkshire Road to the agenda, Carl Zencey seconded, motion unanimously
accepted. The WSA does have leeway with penalty interest, but not the benefit assessment and current usage
fees. The hook up can be deferred until the system fails. Richard Conte moved to defer connection to the sewer
contingent upon a Health Department review and approval of the existing on-site system; require immediate
payment of the past due assessment charges; and require current and future payments of assessment and usage
charges. Payment of past due penalty interest and usage charges will be waived. Marianne Brown seconded.
Motion unanimously accepted.
Budget Revisions – The major format change was taking Professional Services and Legal Services out of Admin
and making them each their own category. If there is a line item but no dollar number assigned, the Finance
Department would not include them in their monthly budget reports. $800 in 475 Misc. Fees will be moved to
415 Miscellaneous Income and 475 Misc. Fees will be deleted. Marianne Brown moved to accept the
modifications to the Sewer and Water budgets as presented, Carl Zencey seconded, motion unanimously accepted.
Solar Project – The state has renewed the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund grant program. The WSA will
consider applying for funding. Richard Conte and Richard Zang will attend a meeting on November 19th with Liz
Stocker and OPEL Solar, a local manufacturer, to gather more information.
Report by United Water Environmental Service Inc. – Over all the plant ran well. A copy of the report is
Report by Public Works Director – None
Any other business – NONE
Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 pm
Attachment: United Water Environmental Services, Inc. September 2010 Monthly Operating Report
Arlene Miles